What will happen when having a coil fitted?

At the clinic, you will meet Dr Smith who will be fitting your copper or hormonal IUD. She will have a healthcare assistant or nurse will be there to support you. Dr Smith will check your medical history and answer your questions. We suggest that you have a light meal and some painkillers before coming to have your IUD fitted. Dr Smith will examine you before fitting the procedure. This is an examination to look at the neck of the womb, similar to when you have a smear test. The IUD is then fitted into the womb, and the threads of the device will be cut so that they sit high up inside the vagina. The whole appointment usually lasts around 40 minutes.

Book Your Appointment

At the Coil Clinic we aim to make the process of getting contraceptive or menopause care as simple as possible. Simply schedule an appointment at time and date that suits you, then meet with the doctor and receive your treatment.

  • Contraceptive Coils & Impants


    A choice of Hormonal and Non Hormonal Coils & Impants.

    • Inital Consulation

    • Contraceptice Device Removal

    • Contraceptive Device Insertion

  • Menopause Advice and Treatment from


    A holistic approach to menopause management

    • Menopause Consulation

    • Advice on medication inc HRT

    • Bloods taken if required